Below are a few helpful resources.
Let Dr. Denning know if any of the links are broken or if you have any resource suggestions to add.
- Your Game Idea is too Big
- Themes
- Engines
- Unity Gaming Engine
- Blender Gaming Engine (BGE)
- Unreal Engine
- GameMaker
- Godot
- Construct 3
- Urho3D
- PICO-8
- PICO-8 Manual
- PICO-8 Cheat Sheet
- PICO-8 API Cheat Sheet
- A curated list of awesome PICO-8 resources, carts, tools and more
- PICO-8 Lua
- Clear code | Justin Scott
- PICO-8 Packages
- Provides Lua built-in function to PICO-8
- PICO-8 Spaceshooter in 16 GIFs
- PICO-8 combiner script (python)
- Writing a game using PICO-8 | RNDBITS-001, part 1, 2
- Breakout | TeamworkCast
- Javascript implementation of the PICO-8 Fantasy Console (WIP)
- Tools and Python libraries for manipulating PICO-8 game files | Dan Sanderson
- Sharing the love: making games with PICO-8
- Example Games:
- PICO-8 Font
- Pong for PICO-8 | fREW Schmidt's Foolish Manifesto
- PICO-8 Fanzine
- Programming libraries and tips
- Python
- GameDevLapse: Breakout, Pong, Doodle Jump, Space Invaders, Flappy Bird
- PyInstaller, Nuitka: tools for creating a single binary
- PyGame
- pyglet
- Cocos2d
- Panda3D
- gloo
- Kivy
- PySDL2
- RAPT Pygame example (running Pygame on Android)
- C/C++
- WebGL
- Lua
- General
- Python
- Royalty free audio (sounds, music)
- Graphics
- Readings
- Video Series